28 novembre 2005

oh oh video.

here are some short film clips from this monumental journey into myself that i like to call jya get me back to america:
(to download click the link and enter the password: annieinparis)

Dancing in the street
Newsies for life
Bigtime annie
Seesaw hysteria (this is a big one)

20 novembre 2005


bar dix.

it's nothing but confusion here.

what a proud birthday girl.



i just do it to look cool.

captain of team consumption.

happy to be alive.


don't worry it's just a cig.

team consumption.



kkane's 21st.

14 novembre 2005

i don't know that kid in the red. this is undeniably a high point of my time in paris.

me and justin...probably in a similar area in Paris

me and justin smoking in my room. oops.

what a night. justin, korin, and me outside of someplace in paris circa 2am.